Missing spaces and corners in certain Bagua areas of your house or flat are an issue: they signify that there is energy missing. Depending on where in your home the missing space or corner is located, this missing energy may be directly reflected in your life.
If you've got a missing space in the Southwest, it may be difficult for you to find a partner or establish a long term relationship. If space is missing in the North, it may be difficult for you to progress in your career. Similarly, a missing space in the South could lead to you not getting the recognition you deserve (particularly in your job).
Additional spaces, on the other hand, always provide you with additional energy in a certain corner. Example: an additional space in the North could benefit your career. I know that a too much in energy may have a reverse effect: an additional space in the North could also mean that you end up working too much or prioritise your work over other, perhaps more important things in life. In that case, you need to curb the additional energy by weaken the element of that sector.
How do you identify a missing space?
First, you need a basic floor plan of your flat or house. Here is an example:
Take a pen and expand all walls to form a rectangular or square shape of your flat or house. Now you can identify missing spaces and corners. In the example below, I highlighted the additional space in green and the missing space in red:
Then, you need a Bagua map. I drew this very basic Bagua circle: (please note: I'm always working with compass points - I don't use the black hat school of Feng Shui with fixed Bagua points).
Identify the middle of the flat (the easiest way is to just draw to diagonals, crossing the middle point of your flat:
Now you need to place the Bagua map on top of the floor plan, so that the middle of the circle rests on top of the middle point of your flat:
Once that is done, identify from which direction energy is coming into your flat through the main entrance. To do that, stand where your entrance door is, looking outside. The direction you are seeing on your compass is the one from which energy is flowing into your flat.
Once you've got that, rotate the circle until the compass point on the Bagua map matches the direction from which the energy is coming into your house through the entrance door.
From then on, you can identify in which Bagua areas you are dealing with missing or additional space.
Important here: the 60% - 40% rule. Look at the length of the wall in which the additional or missing space is located. If 60% or more of the wall is inside the flat and the other 40% or less outside the flat, than you are dealing with a missing space. If 60% or more of the wall is outside the flat and the other 40% or less inside, then you are blessed with an additional space:
Once you know whether you are having a missing or an additional space in your flat, you can go on with finding remedies and cures for this to balance the missing energy caused by a missing space.
What is the connection between 253 and 165 degrees (those numbers are written beside the red arrows in adjacent images)?